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Tuesday 13 May 2014

Hello... again!

It has been way too super duper long since my last blog post... longer than I care to find out. And for that, I am sorry! (Should there actually be any readers...ha!) What sparked the thought for me to write a blog post after such a long time away was the fact that I really felt like writing down my thoughts... I am currently at uni however, meaning I do not have my diary with me. I thought about writing on tumblr, and then pop this blog came back into mind. So! On that note...

It is 1:14pm and I am feeling so damn super tired. I am 1 hour and 14 minutes into my two hour gap between tutes. The next tute is super boring and seems to go on forever, so I am really dreading going!! I am not overly fussed that I am tired because I know exactly why I am and I wouldn't change it :) My wonderful boy has been having trouble getting up of a morning lately, and been nearly running late to work for the past few weeks :/ So I decided that this morning, I would make sure that he got out of bed on time! I made a nice hot coffee in a travel mug, and hopped in my car. At 5:35am I rang Tom to make sure he was awake (he needs to be up around 5:30am). Then when he said 'yes', I said, "good! and you better come outside and give me a kiss too!" Yup, I did - I drove to his house at 5:30am this morning just to make sure he wasn't gonna run late for work...! haha I got kisses and cugs so yay! He was super happy to see me, and I felt like the cutest girlfriend ever hehe :)

But, I am definitely super tired, and definitely not looking forward to this next class. But I know if I don't go, I'll probably kick myself!! Wahhhh. Push through! Because I get to see Tom again tonight for dinner, and it will be super lovely. He is the best. The best friend, the best boyfriend, the best everything. Yay for soppy love!